101 things in 1001 days challenge

Hi guys! So I'm sure a lot of you have heard of this challenge. I wanted to try it myself because I have a lot of shorter term goals, and writing them down will hopefully push me to do them. I'm hoping to have a lot of fun with this, and it's the perfect time frame for me because this challenge will end for me just after I should be graduating from FIT! I started this challenge a few months ago, but I decided to publish it because I think a public challenge will motivate me to complete the list! Here are my goals:

1.     Come up with 101 things
2.     Have an article published on Her Campus
3.     Go camping
4.     Create new friendships
5.     Get a summer job/internship
6.     Complete my interior design project
7.     Go to a farmers market
8.     Eat at a food truck
9.     Explore my city
10. Meet someone I look up to (celebrity, blogger, etc.)
11. Go to a concert
12. Go to a music festival
13. Buy someone flowers just because
14. Improve my makeup skills
15. Learn how to do winged eyeliner
16. Learn how to curl my hair (not sure how this skill has eluded me for so long)
17. Dye my hair
18. Go a full month without wearing leggings or sweatpants in public
19. Try yoga
20. Visit LA
21. Visit Denmark
22. Visit Sweden
23. Visit London
24. Visit the Harry Potter Theme Park in England
25. Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios
26. Study abroad
27. Go on a road trip
28. Go on a day trip alone
29. Travel somewhere with friends
30. Go on a proper hike
31. Go back to Maine
32. Watch the sunrise
33. Complete a virtual internship
34. Intern in NYC
35. Get accepted into FIT
36. Maintain Dean’s List throughout college
37. Graduate from SUNY Oneonta
38. Graduate from FIT
39. Move into my first apartment
40. Move to NYC
41. Attend NY Fashion Week
42. Work/volunteer at NYFW
43. Watch the ball drop in NYC
44. See a Broadway musical
45. Ice skate in Central Park
46. Go to a museum by myself
47. Learn 10 new recipes
48. Drink at least 5 glasses of water a day
49. Try green smoothies (ew)
50. Eat a balanced diet
51. Cut out French fries for at least a month
52. Start exercising regularly (at least 3 times a week)
53. Be able to run for at least 10 minutes without stopping
54. Run three times a week for at least a month
55. Complete a 30 day yoga challenge
56. Complete a 30 day squat challenge
57. Feel confident in my own body
58. Get my tragus re-pierced
59. Get another piercing
60. Get my second tattoo
61. Get my third tattoo
62. Spend a day unplugged
63. Practice my embroidery
64. Begin selling my embroideries
65. Create a garment by myself
66. Complete at least 10 drawings
67. Complete at least 10 DIY projects
68. Learn to weave
69. Read at least 40 books from my reading list
70. Read at least 10 books from my classics list
71. Watch at least 40 movies from my “to watch” list
72. Make a scrapbook
73. Get a DSLR camera
74. Take quality pictures for my blog
75. Give my blog a makeover
76. Start blogging at least 3 times a week
77. Post my first outfit photo on my blog
78. Do 20 outfit of the day posts on my blog
79. Get someone else to photograph me for my blog
80. Be proud of my blog
81. Advertise my blog and put myself out there
82. Reach 100 followers on Bloglovin
83. Guest post for another blogger
84. Take pictures everyday for at least a month
85. Post to Instagram everyday for at least a month
86. Become fluent in Photoshop
87. Become fluent in Illustrator
88. Get a commission for a graphic design project
89. Write a letter to myself to open in ten years
90. Write something everyday for a month
91. Go on a real date
92. Put myself out there more
93. Do something spontaneous
94. Do something that scares me
95. Find something I’m truly passionate about and pursue it
96. Find myself
97. Stop worrying about what other people think of me
98. Learn to not be so shy
99. Learn to love myself
100. Get over one of my fears

101. Do my best to complete this list.

      As you can see, I've already made some progress. I'll be updating this as I complete my goals so feel free to follow along! Wish me luck!

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