20 Lessons I Learned Before I Turned 20

With my birthday coming up tomorrow, I've been thinking a lot about my teen years. They've gone by so quickly, it's amazing how much I've fit into them! From traveling to Europe with my best friends to heading off to college, a lot has happened to me since I turned thirteen. I remember how excited I was to be a teenager, and now I'm about to be a 20-something! Here are just a few of the many lessons I've learned along the way:

1. Sometimes your parents know what’s best for you. Sometimes they have no idea what they’re talking about. Play it by ear.

2. Unfollow your ex on social media. Even though you think you want to see that, you really don’t want to see that.

3. It’s so much more fun dancing like an idiot than sitting on the sidelines worrying about what other people think.

4. If you’re given the opportunity to travel, take it. Especially if it’s to Europe.

5. Sometimes it’s important to take a sick day, from work, from school, or from life.

6. Don’t stay with someone just because you don’t want to be single. It isn’t fair to either of you.

7. When your mom says you look beautiful “no matter what,” that does not include “even when wearing teal eyeliner”

8. Sometimes agreeing to something you have no interest in can lead to amazing memories (like camping with a group of clueless suburban teen girls)

9. Just because you won Best Dressed in high school doesn’t mean you’re above wearing the same pair of sweatpants for three days straight. People change.

10. Don’t take anyone for granted; you never know when you won’t have them anymore.

11. Just because everyone expects you to wear black doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to wear pink. Be surprising.

12. Purple lipstick really isn’t for everyone.

13. Don't apologize for being yourself. You have nothing to be sorry about.

14. How long someone has been your friend doesn’t dictate how good of a friend they are.

15. Try things that scare you, but not everything. Some things are better left unexplored. Like heroin, or gas station hotdogs.

16. Getting a secret tattoo and not telling your parents is a really good idea until you have to put a bathing suit on.

17. Wear sunscreen. Seriously, put it on. Take care of you skin now so you don't regret it later.

18. You don’t need makeup to be beautiful, but you definitely still need 10 different mauve lipsticks. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

19. Usually people don’t see you the way you think they do. Most people think a lot more highly of you than you realize (but don’t let it get to your head).

20. The smartest decision you can ever make is to love yourself.

There are so many other things I've learned in such a short period of time, and I can't wait to see what kind of lessons my 20s bring me! 

Do you have any helpful tips for me?

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